Tag Archives: Attorney Website Design

The Psychology of Attorney Website Design

The psychological connection a legal consumer finds with the best attorney website may be complex or simple, but it does take cues from the overall design. These factors play into the marketability of your Internet brand, and can convert legal consumers to prospective clients with proper execution.

Internet brand

Legal consumers identify with your Internet brand, as long as they find visual appeal and legal content that is useful and trustworthy on the best attorney website. The professional reputation of your Internet brand is lateral to the professional reputation of you’ve earned in your offline law practice, and you’ve worked hard for both. Maintaining your professional reputation is a matter of establishing authority among competitors. Legal consumers develop positive feelings for Internet brands that are credible and compete successfully.

These factors can lead legal consumers to positive identification of your Internet brand:

  • Pleasant color scheme
  • Clickable landing page
  • Complementary logo
  • Authoritative and trustworthy tone
  • Trustworthy legal content


Not only should the best attorney webpage strive to maintain trustworthy-status with Google, it is equally important to build the trust of legal consumers drawn to your site. The quality of your legal content is just as important as the aesthetics. Credible legal ethics and a professional design can be equally appeasing from a psychological perspective.

The hallmarks of trustworthy legal content are:

  • Good grammar, correct punctuation, and precise spellings
  • Clear and concise writing style
  • Functional with working links
  • General demeanor that is appeasing to the eye, and rewarding to the brain


Color has long been known to elicit specific moods. It’s important for color, graphics, layout and, yes, legal content to exist in a harmonious environment on the best attorney website. Creative webpages complete with complementary color-scheme can provoke an immediate response of either positive or negative emotions. Professional designers can tap the psychology, striking the right note with even the fussiest legal consumer.

Legal consumers are just like the rest of the population when it comes to the effects of color on their psyche:

  • Green – health, nature
  • Brown – natural, sensible
  • Red – assertive, passionate
  • Yellow – happy, cheerful
  • Purple – compassion, peace
  • Black – enigmatic, edgy
  • White – virtuous, pure
  • Gray – neutral, calm
  • Blue – serene, cool

Site usability from the perspective of legal consumers

The ease or difficulty of navigating a website can impact a legal consumer’s perception of your Internet brand. Emotions experienced can run the gamut from calm to frustrated – or anything in-between. The psychological impact of a bad experience can send your legal consumers clicking your competitors links.

Keep the good vibrations flowing through best attorney website by providing legal consumers with:

  • Clear and concise legal content
  • Scanability (bullet points, white space, brevity)
  • Easy click-through navigation
  • Clickable icons and highlighted text

A positive Internet brand by design

Lawyer Success, Inc. understands the important relationship between legal consumers and your Internet brand. We are the best attorney website design firm on the market, saving you valuable time and money, growing your client-base, and maintaining your competitive edge. Our consultants are happy to share no-obligation strategies, such as the best attorney website design – customized, Free, No Risk, and guaranteed results!

Free Advice Hotline – Call 1 (800) 877-2776 to Discuss Your Legal Website