The Slippery Slope of Trendy Web Design

When deciding on the design for your new legal website, it can be difficult to choose between a more solemn design typical to the legal profession and a trendier design which just might grab the attention of your users a bit more. The goal of your site is to provide high-quality information to users, grab their attention and convert them into prospective clients however in the legal profession your clients will vary widely in their interests and needs. Of course all websites need to be simple, clean, user-friendly and interactive, and legal sites must add “professional” to that list.

 In order to most fully meet the needs of the majority of your users, you must have good design supported by highly relevant text. A unique design which remains in your user’s mind is also helpful. Hopefully your firm has chosen a logo which clearly defines your firm and you have included information about who you are, where you are located and the types of legal cases you handle. But what about the overall design of your site? Should you dip your feet in the waters of a trendier design or stick with the tried and true?

The Constantly Changing Web

Well, take a look at a site from, say, a decade ago. How does it look to you? Does it appear ancient and outdated? Because the web is a constantly changing field, many designs which look great today might look antiquated a mere year from now. On the flip side, some of the most successful companies today use a basic website structure that has changed little over the past ten years—or more.  Perhaps the best choice for legal professionals is to implement some of the latest trends while staying usable and true to your firm and your goals and integrating your brand into goal is essential.

Your brand encompasses the entire customer experience, all the way from your logo to the design to the content you include and finally to your overall level of customer service. A word of caution here regarding your logo—the visual part of your brand that should be recognized instantly. Because of this, your logo should really never change. In contrast, your website should be updated on a regular basis while keeping it recognizable as your company.

Jumping on the Trendy Website Bandwagon

If you spend much time surfing the web, then you may run across all kinds of new and exciting web designs. You look at these obviously successful sites and wonder if you should implement some of these design trends into your own site. It can be awfully tempting, and studies have shown that when clients see active changes in your site they have more incentive to visit on a regular basis. At the same time, your site is your business, meaning it must also rely on functionality.

Visitors who come to your site expecting the more traditional legal web design can be overwhelmed to encounter a high-tech, trendy design and may make the assumption that your company is also trendy—not good for building trust and confidence in the legal field. Perhaps the best course of action is to hedge your bets a bit. Keep the main design of your legal website clean and timeless, yet make sure your content is updated often and change out promotions to keep the site fresh. Staying in touch with website trends can allow you to spruce up your site without making an entire overhaul. Unless your site design is clearly not working, you are better off staying with the tried and true, adding in your own unique design elements to ensure your visitors remember your firm when they need legal help.